Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patrick's Night - Porter's Tap

I went out to Porter's Tap this evening to check out Casket Showeroom and Red Light Runner.  Two of the bands who's members come to Paul Henry's Art Gallery on Thursday nights for the acoustical JAM.  The lineup at Porter's Tap this evening was . . .

Casket Showroom
Midnight Mass
Red Light Runner

Lighting was super challenging tonight. It was better to shoot when the pool table light was turned off. The side color lights that kept changing never gave me time for a color balance adjustment, the smoke played havoc with the camera sensors, and I think the cell phone cameras may have done a better job than my regular camera . . . you tell me. REMEMBER, YOU CAN CLICK ON THE PHOTO TO ENLARGE AND INDEX THROUGH.

Starting us out . . . Red Light Runner with Adrian Remirez lead vocal and lead guitar, Dan Serapin guitar, and +1 John Stephens joining on drums and vocal.


These boys can play loud . . . and they enjoy doing it . . .


For 2 guys, they did very well, with Angel B Crow as lead vocal and guitar, and J-Sharpe on lead guitar and vocal.  The vocal was great and the guitar gave us a strong sound . . .

The photo above and below shows you how quick the lighting color changes . . .

When they did a song from The Doors, I thought I was listening to Jim Morrison himself.  Not that Angel copies Jim . . . Angel put his feeling into it as Jim would have expected, and with an excellent vocal.

And a little change-up in guitar . . .

A quick shot of the crowd.  Do you see yourself in the photo?  Hmmm . . .

Midnight Mass

Members Ryan Cole, April Santos, and Mark Newman.  For two instruments and a lot of computer work, this band was uniquely fun to listen to.

Casket Showroom

Last, but never least, was Casket Showroom with James Sanders vocal / guitar / bass guitar, Captain J. Moses vocal / bass guitar / guitar, and Steven Ondo on drums.

Casket Showroom stole the show.  Their energy, insanity, creativity, is all seen in the next LARGE set of photos.  If everything looks a blur, it is because at 2:00 AM in the morning, after being at a bar for 5+ hours, what else would you expect.  (Okay, I only had one beer and a coke . . . still . . .)

To catch these guys standing still was impossible.  It was luck of the draw where I happened to shoot a photo at a millisecond pause in their movement.  Turns out, I sort of like these photos with my camera not being able to keep up.  James, Jason and Steven in action, like super hero's in the night.

This very first photo of James, sets the tone for the evening . . .

Yes, James is singing with the flower in his mouth . . .

Jason lit the place on fire in this last photo . . . and we ran out of beer to put it out . . . (okay, not so, but, it is neat how I photographed the progression of shots, without any editing)

Are these guys crazy . . . h'ya, and in the best way imaginable!

Here are links to the bands (that I have):


Click on this line for my copyright.


  1. wow, they looks very cool.

  2. These are some of the best photos I've seen. I love what you do with the lighting and focus.

    1. I like what I did too, wish I knew how I did it . . . lol. I do have the knack what to take when, and what to post. So I'm glad you like them. You have permission to use them as you need. Whenever possible, give me credit.
