Sunday, June 3, 2012

Loyal Plastic Robots at the Parish of St. Joseph - Homewood

The Robots get around to doing benefits some times.  These guys have a day job, family, friends to hang out with, however they still make time to help others.  This Sunday evening they went out to Homewood, to help raise money for the Parish of Saint Joseph.

Much of my photography has been indoors.  The huge and very enjoyable outdoor shoot was when I was in Atlanta.  Very sunny then, compared to the overcast that was present this Sunday.  Lessons learned . . . go to shutter priority when you are shooting a band!  They don't stand still like a model will.  So, given that, not all the photographs I took came out.  Here is what I have . . .

Now, this little guy was drawn to the band like a magnet. Every time he was let go he would come running back and stare at the toys the big boys were playing with.

Chris Karp

And a little air time in the dance . . . gotta love it . . .

Bill Hogan, who jammed with The Robots the Friday night earlier, is the person who helped orchestrate this. And, director's privelage if you want to call it, he brought up his daughter and son to sing with him.

Heeee's baaackkkkkk . . .

This guy did not know what to make of me. As his parent watched me take the photo they had a little chuckle, because I had shown this young man the photo I took on the LCD, and he nodded with approval.

More friends of Bill coming up to sing . . . was pretty cool . . .

And the new singer's fans came up to enjoy . . .

A short change to another drummer . . .

I left to another photo shoot as the evening went on at Saint Joesph.  It was a fun time. The rain teased us a little but held off. The overcast made it enjoyable to be in the open having fun. The band did great, and I for one enjoyed every minute.

Click on this line for my copyright.

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