Friday, July 20, 2012

Zhou B Art Center - July 20th

Another nice evening at Zhou B's.  What was new this time was the 4th floor tap dancing, and finally meeting Corinna Button.

Also, it is always nice to see Brigitte Wolf and her art.  I really enjoy her as a person, and this person shows in her art.

Now, this first photo is not all me not being able to hold the camera steady.  It was interesting to see the fast movement of a tap dancers foot, as captured here in this first photo.

There is a method to my madness, as it were . . . check out these next few photos and figure out if I am mad, or do you see what I see . . .

Brigitte Wolf

The stairways . . . what an exercise !

Corinna Button

I love the art Corinna creates.  She is an extraordinary and brilliant print maker.  I can see she puts a lot of herself into her art, not just in time, but in learning and looking for result she has been self inspired to create.  Please go check out her website, and specifically her videos.

Zhou B Art Center is the place to go.  Please go check it out, and say hello to Brigitte in the 3rd floor, and Corinna on the 4th floor for me !

Zhou B. Art Center has the opening every third Friday of the month, from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. Check it out . . .

Zhou B. Art Center
1029 W. 35th Street
Chicago, IL  60609
(773) 523-0200

Click on this line and read my copyright. And, please respect the artists work by showing them at the very least the same favor.

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