Sunday, September 23, 2012

David Prusina at Reggies Music Joint

I am late with this blog post.  Been busy.  I do want to give my friend David Pursina some face time with all of the blog readers.  So I am putting the blog up now (10/28/2012) and dating it for when the event actually took place (9/23/2012).  My apologies for being so late.

David enjoys his music.  This is obvious when you watch and listen.  He has his uniquiness, his story to tell.  Before I get to his photos, there were two other bands this evening who were excellent.  Here was the lineup for the evening, starting with top billing . . .

(he does it all . . . and most excellent)

Katy Pearson - Lead Vocal / Guitar
Brian Bringelson - Drummer / Backup Vocal

Gina - Lead Vocal / Keyboard
Jimmy - Base / Backup Vocal
Kevin - Drums
Brendan - Rythm Guitar / Backup Vocal

First up, King By Friday.  I was a little late getting to Reggies.  When I walked in, what struck me right away was a strong female voice, rocking her heart out.  This was Gina.  Her charisma carried throughout the room.  Does this take away from the others in the band?  No!  They are a team, knowing their strengths, taking their turn in the spot light, and they gave us a great performance.  Here are their photos . . .

As I wrote earlier, Gina has a powerful voice.  She hits you with it, and pulls back for affect.  Her strength and range are both wonderful to listen to.

Next up, Bearkat.  This duo, as simple as it may sound, is nothing but that.  Great guitar, vocal, rhythm, you name it.  They have it.

Next, David Prusina.  I met David earlier this year through Lou Shields.  David impressed the hell out of me the first time I heard him, and he has done the same ever since.  Check out my photos from March 11, 2012 at The Horseshoe.  Here are some photos of David this night at Reggies.

This was a Sunday evening.  Not necessarily an evening I would have gone out, being I have a day job to go to during the week.  However, this group of musicians, artists, unique individuals, made it well worth the experience, that I would repeat in a heart beat.

Thank you David for putting the gig up on facebook. For without that, I would not have heard and photographed you, and the other bands this evening. Photography is my art. How I want to express my life. I have a long way to go, learning as I go, taking the road less traveled. I do hope you enjoy the blog. Chime in once and a while with a comment or two, to let me know your thoughts. This is my motivation to do more.

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