Sunday, December 2, 2012

Photographing Fine Art

I have been photographing seriously for about a year now. One area I seem to understand, and apply the technology to, is photographing fine art. Am I perfect? No. Nor is anyone else. It takes you the artist, and the photographer, to understand the quality you are looking for and to capture that quality digitally. I will always strive for the perfection you are looking for, and believe me, I will continue to learn along the way.

These photos of fine art are from artists who have allowed me to come into their lives to photograph their work. Their copyright is fully reserved. They have allowed me to publish here only what I have photographed for them. This is not a license for me, or you, to take these photos to do with what we wish. So, please respect that. Contact the artist should you want to purchase a copy of their work, or even purchase the original.

Now with the copyright fully understood, let me show you some of the fine art I have photographed.

Diana Leviton Gondek

GLPWORKS by Gary L Price

The "Blowing Bubbles" series (six pieces in the series) . . .

Baby Barn Owl


Mary Margaret

1 comment:

  1. nice work, Wesley - saw Gary's exhibit last summer - appreciate our artists and nice to see them featured - thank you!
