Saturday, February 23, 2013

RRR . . . Grrr

Region Rat Rollers

Roller derby is cool (like bow ties and fez's, if you are a Doctor Who fan). These ladies display a lot of skill and energy. Today our region ladies had their Valentine's Day Massacre against the Lake City Roller Dolls of Warsaw IN. A lot of people attended the bout and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Watching, you cannot help be get into the spirit of roller derby as you watch the RRR (Region Rat Rollers) on the floor. Every push, every hit, every penalty is felt. Because you are outside looking in, you see a bit more, foreseeing what might take place in the next few seconds, and are wanting to get on the floor to take or give a hit.

At the end of the day our team did not win. That is okay, for me. I cannot speak for the RRR. What I can say is that I will support these ladies of our NW Indiana region (the RRR), go to as many bouts that I can, and bring as many new faces to roller derby that I can.

Here are some photos from today's bout. I hope you enjoy them.

These ladies are here to win, and realize someone has to lose. To win there is teamwork, communication, leadership, support, negotiation, suggestions for change, empowerment, and being humble. This is no different than life, everyday business, where we learn how to fit and work as a society. The difference is, in roller derby it is intense. A crash course if you will. A place where the only option is to put your wheels back on your skates and bout for the next two hours.  It is, exhausting.

Here are some links to the Region Rat Rollers for you to browse . . .

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Should you like to check out another type of skating, boarding, check out my blog at Wilson Park. There is definitely a difference photographing indoor and outdoor sports. I NEED MORE LENSES for indoor sports!!!

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