Thursday, January 9, 2014

Paul Henry's Art Gallery 175th JAM

Bad weather could not keep most of us away. A real enjoyable evening. A real enjoyable banjo play. A real enjoyable poetry recite. What can I say. Paul Henry's brings out the best of NW Indiana.

I also dropped off a couple photos for you to enjoy too. When you get a chance, go see them. There is art everywhere. Though this time I photographed the JAM. Here are some photos . . .

This was one of the two coolest events of the evening . . . banjo . . . with Cheryl Mordich and Paul Horgash.

This was the second coolest event of the evening . . . poetry by Yusuf El . . .

The next few photos are "Wes Art" . . . work in progress.  All photos in this blog are "as shot" in camera.

Come out and enjoy the fun, Paul Henry's Art Gallery Thursday night JAM!!!

Paul Henry's Art Gallery
416 Sibley Blvd.
Hammond, IN
Tue - Sat 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Sunday Noon till 5:00 PM
Thursday Night Jam Starts 7:00 PM

Click on this line and read my copyright.

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