Friday, September 8, 2017

"Hypnosis" at the Towle Theater

A Comic Thriller By David Tristram
Presented in arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.

The acting in this Towle Theater presentation of "Hypnosis" is great. James Henry who plays the role of Gordo puts on a beautiful performance as a hypnotist, and as a person just wanting to stay ahead. Ian Rigg who plays the role of Alan, shows us who a sinister police officer is. I actually think Ian found a part where he plays to his quirkiness. I thoroughly enjoyed his acting in this play. Stephanie Rohr who plays the role of Helen was brilliant. Just wanting to have some fun she plays on the other side of the fence. All three pitted against each other. Who won? I am not telling.

I believe that people one time or another have thought about hypnosis, whether it is real or not. Whether everyone can be hypnotized or not. Whether you could use hypnotism to your advantage. My only experience was sitting in a bar where hypnotism was being demonstrated on a few patrons on stage. I saw what appeared to be different stages. One person just not getting into it. One person seemed to pretend because they seemed to want being hypnotized. Another person who seemed to go under, waking up in a totally relaxed yet quietly fully aware of her surrounding. I wondered if any, if not all, were ringers. Perhaps none.

This story (play) keeps you juggling for wanting to see the end result because you cannot help but want to predict at the end. Except, the story keeps changing. You never know if you are at the end. Once there, you are crying out NO! Well written, well arranged. Well directed by Mark Baer!

Enjoy the photographs and reminisce the play if you have seen it. Enjoy the photographs and wet your appetite to go see if you have not seen it.


Gordo - James Henry

Alan - Ian Riggs

Helen - Stephanie Rohr

Production Staff

Director - Mark Baer
Assistant Director - Elizabeth Ramos 
Lighting Design - Adrienne Petty
Light Board Operator - Adrienne Petty
Set - Mark Baer
Scenic Artwork - Shari LeMonnier
Dialect Coach - Lauren Demerath

Towle Theater
5205 Hohman Ave.
Hammond, IN 46320
(219) 937-8780

Thank you to our featured sponsor Hammond Urban Enterprise Association for their support of Towle Theater and the arts.

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