Friday, February 25, 2022

"Murder for Two" at the Towle Theater


"Murder for Two"
Presented by special arrangement with Concord Theatricals.

You need your wits about you for this musical comedy. Characters do not stop at times to switch to the other character, almost like they are doing a silent monologue in protest. They take off shoot breaks that pull you out of your focus on who could have done it, just to deep dive again moments later into who could have done it. They do the awkward pause well, that takes you into into the scene of the crime discussion, or lack thereof as it were.

But, and I was taught incorrectly that you cannot start a sentence with the word "but"; But one thing is for sure. Watch out for the four hands piano that starts with to two hands and a finger, and watch out for the +1 character that comes in just so someone can play the piano to keep this hilarious music comedy moving. 

Or, and “or” is another word I was taught early on not to start a sentence with, improperly; Or, the conjunctions used as you deal with character change which spins your head with the reality you are witnessing, and/or (no slipup intended) you hurt from your own body language taking shape with laughter. 

Yet, . . ., none of what I wrote was necessary for a heads up of what is to come when you “definitely will” go see this musical comedy and demand that it be extended another weekend or more. Might be too that it is just me writing me in as my own character in this show, or just plain getting carried away writing.

Or, we just dreamt of somebody we are not (in present form) and become that somebody in written form. So, do not be in a hurry to become a Great American Novelist, or try and read a novel upside down. "Oh", and do not be the emotional tough guy know it all, then breakdown because someone finally invited you to a song.

And . . . And another “Oh”. Do not forget that on the drive home after the show, to stop and buy some more ice-cream, and to whistle out loud. You will find it comforting . . . no peaking now.

Don’t worry, there are no clues here. This was to just to get you ready for this great show. Go See The Show!!!

The Suspects

Dahlia Whitney
(victims loopy widow)

Murray and Barb Flandon
(bickering neighbors)

Steph Whitney
(over eager grad student)

Barrette Lewis
(self-incriminating ballerina)

Dr. Griff
(friendly local psychiatrist)

Timmy, Yonkers, and Skid
(members of antiquated boys' chior)

Henry Vivaldi
(late arrival proud local fire fighter)

Along With




The Wonderful and Amazing Cast!

Officer Marcus Moscowicz - Alex Kulak

The Suspects - Emil Ginter

Production Staff

Director - Jeff Casey

Music Consultant - Valerie Wedell

Lighting Design - Jeff Casey

Set/Costume Design - Kevin Bellamy

Towle Theater
5205 Hohman Ave.
Hammond, IN 46320
(219) 937-8780

Please note that until further notice found on the Towle Theater website, all patrons are required to show proof of vaccination with ID and to properly wear masks once you enter the building, and to continue to wear the masks until after you exit. There is more important information on this, so please review the website for protocols and your tickets.

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