Saturday, June 8, 2024

Wes' Excellent Adventure X

After photographing Yoga In The Park, I picked up Bubba doggie and went to Purdue University NW to do some photography and to walk Bubba. Bubba was not having any of it. Where he wanted to go was not the direction I was forcing him to go. So, this became difficult. 

Here Bubba needed to take a break from it all. Not the art has a copyright, 1985 by Lynn Olson who created the art, so I am giving her credit here.

Inside the library building were two paintings created by the Zhou Brothers, donated by Dr. Eugene D. & Dorothy A. Van Hove. I did not photograph their art, however did photograph the image (not my image) and document. The image was taken September 28, 2012 at The Chicago Sinfonietta and the Zhou Brothers collaboration show. I was invited as a guest to photograph it. If you click on the above highlight you will be taken to that blog.


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The "219 Music™" and "219 Art" are owned trademarks of Wes Bushby.

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