Friday, February 28, 2025

"The Mad Ones" at Towle Theater

by Kate Kerrigan & Bree Lowdermilk
Presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals

"If I don't pick it up the phone, it's sort of like it never happened." Just like if you do not go to this show, tonight, it did not happen. We need to chose to know and remember this musical.

This was a wonderful change of pace both in stage and musical. I'd say more about the stage but that would give too much away. The musical hit home too in a sad but happy way, one that you will walk away inspired.

Life is short, especially as you get older and realize that you did not take advantage of earlier opportunities to explore You. Reminds me of the old television show Route 66. Take some time to explore, understand, to realize what you want in life. Do it!

As I come closer to my heart surgery next week I cannot help but reflect on all this. Lots of past good moments, some lost moments. You have to be sure of yourself. A lot of self confidence. Perhaps a supporting nudge from your best friend. All memories now, yet it is blank ahead of you, so search out many more future memories.

The cast was funny, relatable. Everyone needs a Kelly in their life. Thank you for the lighting and sound, the music, the directing. Like my experience of my first musical at the Towle, 'Ordinary Days', I will remember this musical as well.

Cast (alphabetical order)

Elizabeth Bushell  Beverly

Tony Calkins  Adam

Madison Meeron  Kelly

Lauren Reece  Sam

Production Staff

Director  Dion Stover

Music Director  John Phillips

Set Design / Design  Dion Stover

Lighting / Sound Design  TJ Bird

Set Construction  Josie Cordova

Light / Sound Operator  Max Kuban


Executive Director  Emily Nelson

Artistic Director - Dion Stover

Interns - Jordan Pulley and Kayla Goldsworthy

Towle Theater
5205 Hohman Ave.
Hammond, IN 46320
(219) 937-8780


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