Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Christine - my first solo photo shoot

First off, Christine was a gem to work with. She was fun, talented, participative. For this photographer, Christine new what she was doing, so it made my life easy for my first solo photo shoot. Thank you very much Christine for coming out to play with me!

Secondly, I did not go to school for photography.  My schooling is in engineering. I have been deep diving into photography for about 28 months now. So, for me to setup my own lighting without having much practice, let alone work with someone, is totally new for me.

David Meuller, proprietor of Paul Henry's Art Gallery, gave the gallery photographers an assignment: Capture the paint spots on the floor. So I thought, "okay, what can I do that would be different."

I knew people have taken photos of the floor before. Many times in fact. The paint spots ended up there from the prior paint store, where they mixed the paint. Automotive paint in particular. So I chose to showcase the paint spots, and the reason why they were there. Now, how to do it.

I definitely wanted a model to photograph. How to be different though. As I brainstormed, I came up with the idea of a child's pedal car. Perhaps showing one being painted on the floor with paint spots. Christine then came to mind as the person I wanted to work with as my model. So I quickly messaged her with my idea. She was totally enthused and in on the project. So began our collaboration.

At first I was going for a "Rosie the Riveter" look. Then I thought Rockabilly. As Christine and I threw ideas back and forth about the theme and dress, I then thought, could I do something to actually simulate painting, without actually painting? Hence the use of the fog machine.

The following photos are what Christine and I came up with. The entire photo shoot took about 4 hours, which includes setup, shoot, and tear down. Not bad for the first time out. My goal was to stay on pace in order to force completion. In that, I found I did not go back to pick up poses I had temporarily skipped, or thought of during the process.

Enjoy the photographs!

David still had his color charts from back in the day . . . so we used them in the photo shoot.

David and Christine liked the smoke. Me, I wanted to photograph . . . so everyone won!

Our "Rosie the Riveter" series. I thought this would be a cool theme and ran it across Christine, who was super enthused, bringing another change in attire to fit the theme.

I have to say, I am in love with Christine's smile. It is infectious 😄

The Fanz-zet

David had an idea with some pin striping he had from the auto paint store. So I grabbed it and ran with it, then Christine got a hold of it . . .

Miss misbehaven . . .

Oh well, so much for showcasing the floor. Thank You Christine!!!!!

Three photos went on exhibit at Paul Henry's Art Gallery. Go check them out . . .

A special thanks to Christine for playing with me this day. It was fun to say the least. I hope to have the chance to work with her again.

Thanks to David Mueller as well, for holding this show, and allowing me to take take his time to setup and photograph. It was a learning experience.

Paul Henry's Art Gallery
416 Sibley Blvd.
Hammond, IN


Christine and I own full rights to this work. Do not download and use in any way without our consent. Depending upon use, compensation may be asked for.


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KaitlynPerisin said...

These are great! I like the color chart ones & the pin-striping ones the best. So creative & the car is so cute :)

Wesley Bushby said...

Thank you, Kaitlyn. The color chart was worked in and our favorite too. Pin striping was fun to play with. I would have done more with the pin striping, however, the project was to showcase the floor . . . not Christine . . . :)